Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Are used for very many different things like fast roping from it. and search and rescue, medical stuff . transporting troops.

the heli that has the tanks is a medical chopper
but the tanks have extra gas so the chopper has more range

The chinook

They are
very good choppers.
They can transport troops to many different places.
plus they can get the troops to where they need to be.

they also send troop supplies &
food, guns & ammo!
they can evacuate wounded

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


every body that comes comment and say u came so i can thank u

and so plz plz leave your name


Monday, May 26, 2008

army soldiers

all gave some

some gave all


so Im a plane old normol kid that love the army.
ive liked it for such a long time.

so lets blog!!!!